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Prison Break Season3 3.Call Waiting

【English script】 
「Prison Break Season3 3.Call Waiting」

Previously on Prison Break I'm so sorry.
They got me and Sara.
and Sara will be traded for Whistler.
Are we clear? I want a picture of my son and Sara to prove they're alive.
I'll be tried one day and you'll be there.
You're on your own.
- Why does he want this? - He's just a fisherman.
Tell your fisherman friend Scofield's brother has this.
Just take the bounty off Whistler.
Whistler don't mean nothing to me.
There're ways I can be of assistance.
- Whistler's clear? - Clear as the blue sky, brother.
So, how are we getting out of here? I have no idea.
- What the hell are you doing? - I just I need some money, and I didn't I didn't know where else to go.
I've got about $50.
I'm talking about the millions, papi.
The backpack? There's all sorts of cash in that thing.
Need a place to crash, I got your back, but the bag's gone.
Any money I dig out is for my brother.
Remember him? Tall guy, kind of thin.
Busted your ass out of jail.
I feel bad about Mike.
I do, Linc.
But not all of us got exonerated, you know.
- Pretty clear on that.
- I can't go back home.
- You got problems, Sucre? - You ain't the only one.
That's right.
We're all guilty of something, man.
All of us.
Not them.
I wanna help.
But it seems like it's only getting deeper and deeper.
Look, I just want money to get back on my feet and that's it, Linc.
Never mind.
Doesn't take too long for a man to become animal, no? - The smart ones go for his bunk first.
- What do the dumb ones do? - I was here first! - Mampi bitch, you been here 2 days.
I was the first one to the shoe, you sack-in-the-box! Hand it over! You want a chicken foot! You want the shoe? You're gonna have to come and get it.
Leave him.
Leave him! I wanted to express my thanks for For Whistler.
I'm afraid I've no idea what you're talking about.
My mistake.
I thought maybe we could make some kind of arrangement.
Maybe I could help out around Sona.
Come here, boy.
You help me? I'm the bucky massa here, boy.
Not you.
So if anyone want anything at Sona, it's me them will come to.
So do not walk in here asking for some favor like we have some understanding.
We do not.
Next time you roll in here like that, the only thing you ask me for is mercy.
¿Si? Scofield, visitor.
Go on, boy.
Now, run along, your momma calling ya.
That bad, huh? It's not good.
You? I followed Whistler's message.
It's all about some book.
- A bird guide with names and numbers.
- Any idea who he might be? No.
We weren't the only ones following his directions.
His girl was there, says he's some kind of fisherman.
Yeah, sure he is.
I want you to check something out.
Oh, my God! She's holding the paper like she's pointing at something.
- It's too small I can't read it.
- It's today's paper.
She's pointing at Santa Rita, a small town 20 miles from here.
She's trying to tell us where she is.
I have to talk to her, Linc.
Even if they let you, they'd listen everything.
You can't.
We're gonna need more than the name of that town.
I'm coming up empty-handed here, Linc.
It's already been three days and I got nothing to show for it.
So, if I can't break Whistler out of here you'll have to break him out of there.
So, what's the deal, mate? When's moving day? I'll tell you the plan when you tell me who you are.
- I'm a fisherman.
- Really? So am I.
You're worried about trusting me? My life is in your hands.
How am I supposed to know that I can trust you? You don't.
- Hey.
- Stuart Scott! N°1, right? You watch the SportsCenter? Not recently.
Look, I need to get my hands on a phone.
I need to get my hands on some pechos.
But it ain't gonna happen here, is it? Who you got to call so important anyway? Absolutely not.
It ain't a request; it's a dictation of terms.
My brother won't escape till he talks to Sara.
That's sweet.
I can assure you of two things, Lincoln.
One, that Sara's fine and two, you have a better chance of banging me on that bar than you do of talking to her.
I appreciate the offer, but I'll pass.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
What if that's a dictation of terms? It's not a matter of negotiation.
Government rip out all the phones when they find out bad men in Sona still setting up deals.
Making bang-bangs just like before.
They just did it over the phone.
Well, if they cut the lines, maybe we can fix 'em.
There's nothing to fix.
They used to be all along the wall, but they're gone now.
If you have no more questions I'm gonna get going.
Michael got the bounty off Whistler's head in 2 days.
It's more than your people could do in 2 weeks.
Show some goodwill.
He'll get his goodwill when Whistler's out.
One thing you should know about my brother: he's very stubborn.
You want him to fetch, you throw him a bone.
How does Michael think he's gonna find on a phone in Sona? What about cell phones? With all the traffic moving in and out of here.
Cell phone big no-no.
Only one man has access to it, and he'd never let a zanahoria like you - gets his hands on it.
- Let me guess.
What is it? The weekly from your operations on the outside.
Grave digger dropped it off.
That couldn't be.
This envelope way too thin.
Stuff just moving a little slow on the outside these days.
Oh, stuff moving slow.
Somebody making it move slower.
Set up something at the barber downstairs for me now.
Yes, sir.
No problem at all.
Tell the bitch she nick me with the razor again, I'll use it on her.
- You're still alive.
- And you're still lovely.
Please, I haven't showered in 3 days.
Whatever you smell like, it's a significant upgrade.
When I didn't hear from you, I I'm sorry.
- I warned you it might be a bit - I know.
It's just - every time they drag out a body - Look at me.
I promise, when I leave this place, it won't be like that.
Now, were you able to find my book? But there was this guy.
He followed me.
What guy? - I don't know.
- Did he hurt you? But he took it.
I'm sorry.
- I didn't know what to do.
- What did he look like? Shaved head, kind of big.
He said to tell you that Scofield's brother has it now.
Who's Scofield? Who's Scofield? No one.
He's just someone I'm working with.
He's gonna help me get out of here.
- He's a lawyer? - Basically.
That's why you want him to have the book.
The less you know, the safer you'll be.
The less I know, the less help I'll be.
I just need you to lay low for a while.
- Okay, sweetheart? - What the hell is going on? - What is so important about this book? - Nothing.
It just has notes in it, you know, phone numbers.
It's people who know people who're gonna help me get out of here.
You're lying.
Why would I lie to you? You're the only person in the world I can trust.
Come here.
- Now, I just need you to trust me.
- And do what? Nothing.
You look for something, blanquito? Yeah, yeah, I am, I am.
What you looking for then? Just a little little something to pass the time.
You got paper? Go down to the lost and found with the rest of them.
- They'll hook you up proper.
- Alright.
I find you sniffing around where you don't belong, you'll find yourself in that ring again against me.
I don't like your odds.
I want you to check something out, OK? Look at her left hand like she's pointing at something.
Well, you'd better tell my cousin he'd better make himself available.
Better him short money than me short patience.
¿No comprende, boy? I need a charge.
Teodoro, - go on, get me laundry, no? - Sure thing, boss.
Oh, I almost forgot.
I talked to the barber.
She's gonna squeeze you in today around 2:00.
If that pleases you, patron.
I think it's time you made good on all the bad you've done.
You and me, we're gonna make a deal.
Lechero has a cell phone.
I need it.
No problem.
Shall I turn water into wine while I'm at it? Maybe give the guy's mother a good rodgering? - She'd be a little old for your tastes.
- Careful, pretty.
Don't bite the hand you trying to get fed out of.
I'm not looking for food, but for a favor.
Why should I do you a favor? 'Cause unlike your compadres, I know who you are, what you've done and who you've done it to.
Let me get this straight.
You say you gonna tell on me? What I'm saying is: this here is a religious country, and I bet the good folks down in Panama don't take too kindly to rapists and pedophiles.
You want to bet against me? Listen, mate.
Here's what I know so far.
You've got a brother helping on the outside.
He ran into my girlfriend, and took a book from her that belongs to me.
- I'd like it back.
- What's so special about this book? Unless it has directions out of this prison, I don't think it should matter to you.
You don't know what matters to me.
You'll get it back when we get out of Sona.
Yeah? And when the hell is that exactly? Because so far I haven't seen bollocks in the way of breaking out of here.
Let me tell you what I know so far.
Some very bad people who have done some very bad things want you alive and out of this prison, which is why every bone in my body is telling me to do the opposite.
Then why are you doing it? You're upset because someone took a book from you.
This is what they took from me.
So let's be clear.
This is what matters to me, not you.
and not your book.
Cousin, how is it? Hey, Augusto.
You tell me, man.
Business is cyclical, don da.
Ebbs and flows, ebbs and flows, you know.
Seems like there's more ebbing than flowing these days You think? I'm gonna tell you what I think, man.
I think a black heart is trying to steal my business.
Is taking advantage of my situation.
If mistakes have been made, all I need is some honesty, man.
No mistakes, patron, I swear.
Well, maybe the problem isn't on the outside.
Maybe the problem is Augusto? Battery dead.
The bloodfire! How me phone come unplugged? My battery dead! None of you know nothing, huh? Mr.
Mahone? Raul Darinda.
I am the public defender appointed to your case.
That's That's great, great.
I've been putting together - some notes that I - Looks like I have some great news.
We got you a trial date.
That's really Thank God.
- Thank God! When? - June 13.
Oh, no, wait The The 13th, that was last week.
What, we missed it? June 13 of next year, Mr.
Next year? How the hell is that great news? It usually takes two and a half years for a non-citizen to get before a judge.
I've got a guy in here, his name is Michael Scofield, and, and he will testify that he set me up and that he put the drugs on the boat! - It will be taken into consideration - A year from now! I'm gonna have to ask you to calm down, Mr.
It's open and shut.
It's a no-brainer for you.
- I got a guy who can - The notion of one inmate taking the fall for another isn't exactly fresh and usually means someone was pressured into the confession.
Well, here's the thing, Raul.
I require a certain medication that they they just don't provide here, and I am Let's just say that it would be good for everybody if If I got this medication.
Is that a threat? No, it's a reality, it's, it's It's called Varatril, and if you If you ask me to smuggle drugs into this prison No, I'm not asking you to smuggle it.
- If you could get - Good luck! Wait, you son of a bitch! Get away from the fence! Nada.
Boss, it's almost 2:00.
You want your cell phone, brother? No, just be a half hour.
Leave it for charge.
If that phone ain't back before he gets back, we're both dead, you hear? 'Cause my Alabama ass is not going down alone.
Tell Sara to call me at this number.
Alright, but this Susan chick, she hasn't even agreed to it yet, man.
What? I only have 25 minutes - with this phone.
- I'm meeting her right now.
Listen, Santa Rita ain't a one-horse town.
I hope that Sara can give us - some clue on where - Just get her on the line, OK? - This is a one-shot deal.
- Yeah, I know, man.
I'm nearly there.
Hey, looks like we got off on the wrong foot here.
I'm not a violent guy.
It's just that I need that shoe.
I can hardly walk, and this place it changes people.
Oh, I never even got your name.
Pistachio? Now, that's just - That's a beautiful name.
- What you want then? I was hoping we could make some kind of a deal.
- Trade.
- The only thing you got to sell, me no want to buy.
I like me men a little more How you say - Not fat.
Fat? - This is all muscle.
And I'd prove it to you if I didn't think you'd take things south of the border.
Now, hold on.
This is a negotiation.
- You don't have to - I no gonna cut you.
I got clients.
Welcome, patron.
I'm so honored to have you.
Let's make this quick.
- Where have you been? - A girl's gotta look her best.
- This ain't a game, sis.
- You'd better back the hell up.
It's becoming pretty clear you need us, so stop pretending you're in charge, and give us what we want when we want it.
Starting with the damn phone call.
It's me.
How are you? I'm tired.
- Where? Where are you? - It's a long story.
As it turns out, I don't appear to be going anywhere.
I know.
I know.
I'm working on that.
Listen, Sara, I miss how we used to talk.
Do you remember how we used to talk? - Yes.
- Oh, good.
Good, because I saw your picture today, and I want you to know I understand the difficult place you're in.
Michael, listen, I I don't want you to think like that.
- Why is that? - You have to know it's a lost cause.
and I we can see it now.
It's a lost cause.
Do you understand? No, no.
I I don't.
I don't.
Help me understand.
All I can think of to help is maybe you just need more time? It's like they're giving you until midnight, and I'm sitting here at 3:00 am.
They say I have to hang up.
Sara, I love you.
I love you, too.
Sara? They weren't in Santa Rita.
- What? - She said it was a lost cause, she could see it was a lost cause.
So? The patron saint of lost causes is Saint Rita.
She's not telling us where they are, but what they see from where they are.
He's coming.
Let's get the phone back rápido.
- One more thing.
- Come on! Stall them! She said something about needing more time, that, it's like they were giving us until midnight, but she was sitting at 3:00 am.
What does that mean? Maybe they're near a clock or something.
That's all I got.
I got to go.
It's up to you.
Leave him alone.
Lechero! There's something you should know.
What? I think that barber might have Cut me? No, my mistake.
I You know, that there might just be the best shave I've ever seen.
Boy, you look like you need one today.
I might just do that.
Can't be walking around, looking all butu.
Who is this? Find out everything you can about this number.
Don't move.
What are you doing to J.
Whistler? I'm doing nothing.
We're on the same team, all right? Take it easy.
Just Put the knife away.
Put the knife away.
- We're not on the same team.
- You want your boy out of Sona, right? - Right? - Of course.
I'm one of the guys who's going to break him out.
I talked to him this morning.
He has a lawyer.
- I don't know what he said, who he is.
- I know who he is.
A fisherman that people want out so badly, they're willing to kidnap my son to get him.
Listen, you need to talk to him.
Where to, my friend? I'm looking for a statue, a monument.
Santa Rita.
It's here The lady of the lost causes.
- That's it.
- The Red Light district.
You looking to party? You alright? What do you want? Let you know you don't have to watch your back.
Make sure I don't have to watch mine.
My head was a free ticket out of here.
I don't begrudge anyone who did what they had to do to try and get it.
Besides You never know when you'll need a friend in this place.
Where are you from? Boardman, Ohio.
Good fishing.
- You've been? - Passed through.
Small world.
What the hell are you doing in Panama? I'm not really in the mood.
You're that cop, are you? I've looked at Scofield trying to figure why he looked so bloody familiar.
Then, now, hearing your voice, I watched the press when that happened.
- And now you're in here together.
- Small world.
You trying to get him out of here? Extradition? I'm not really in that line of work anymore.
What's he all about, this Scofield? I mean, is he dangerous? What's it to you? Just curious as to what kind of chap I'm dealing with.
I guess that depends on why you'd be dealing with him.
Like I said - you never know when you'll - Need a friend.
See, one thing about Scofield is that, for those that he cares about, he'll do just about anything.
But he'll screw you three ways to Sunday if he doesn't.
I can guess which side you ended up on.
Thanks for the chat.
I really just came by No, you came 'cause you wanted to know more about him, but that's cool.
We're squared away.
She is there.
That's the only thing about Saint Rita in this town? That I do not know, my friend.
Excuse me? Is there a clock around here? A clock Have you seen these people? Clock.
She said, it's like they were giving us until midnight.
Give us till 12.
But she was sitting at 3:00 a.m.
Three Dad! Burrows's made a move.
When? It was the right place.
I just couldn't get to it in time.
Did you see them? Do they look alright? As far as I could tell, yeah.
You can keep that.
Keep it as a souvenir and give it to Sara when this is all done.
Michael, we can do this.
They wouldn't have bothered to put you in here if it was impossible to get out.
We can do this.
We can do it.
I think we need to talk.
Your friend, from picture, you say she's the reason you're here? Then we have something in common.
The woman your brother met on the outside, her name is Sofia.
She's the reason I'm here.
Unless this Sofia is being held at gunpoint, we got nothing in common.
But maybe you can start by telling me why the Company's so interested in you.
What company? I don't have time for games.
Okay, okay, look.
I was spending my time between here and north Pacific, running charters.
- Fishing? - Fishing.
Sightseeing, all that could pay the bloody rent.
About a year ago, I took a guy out.
Some sort of naturalist.
He was taking water samples, measurements.
- What for? - I don't know.
I didn't really care as long as the check cleared, but a few months later, someone called me and asked where I took the guy.
And I told them I couldn't remember.
But then these then these government types started showing up at my flat asking questions, and I didn't know what to do.
So I got low, I came down to Panama, and I moved in with Sofia full time.
- Until - Until the fight at the bar.
Yeah, and then I end up here, where those same people show up at visitation saying they'll get me out.
And when they do, I'm to take them to the same place that I took that guy.
That's why I need the book your brother copped.
It's my trip log.
I write notes in it, coordinates, landmarks.
I need to retrace my steps and find the place.
- I have no choice.
- Very interesting story, but if that book's as valuable, maybe I should keep it for a little while, - make sure they respect the deal.
- You don't get this.
I need time to The only thing I'm responsible for is getting you out of here.
Whatever's between you and them is between you and them.
I'm sorry.
Do you have any idea how we're going to do this? All I keep hearing is how no one gets out of this place.
I think I've heard that one before.
The sugarcane's so sweet.
The mangoes so sweet, the women so Well, if it isn't the entertainer.
- How about a joke for us? - Not now, fellas, I gotta get Why don't you do a little dance for us? How about a little jig? Maybe you need an extra hand? You got me.
Yeah, that's right.
I do get you, boy.
You might've fooled him, but you're not fooling me.
Excuse me, boss.
I asked you for privacy.
Just came in here to thank you for giving me a hand up in here, but if it's all the same, I'd like to be relieved of my duties.
- What are you talking about? - There's some loyalty issues going on, and I do not want to end up torn between my fidelity to you and the reality of having to keep my nose clean.
I've been here long enough to know when the dominoes start falling, it's the new guy that gets blamed for bumping the table.
You better stop spinning and start talking straight.
- I ain't no rat! - I'm not asking you to be a rat.
I'm asking you to be a friend.
As I've been with you.
I was walking earlier, and I heard some voices talking about, "To hell with Lechero.
I want my cut.
" I couldn't tell who it was, but when I got around the corner, I recognized the same faces I've seen in this room.
I got nothing to gain here, OK? I'm a nobody with no hope of being anyone.
But those that surround you have everything to gain if you fall.
I hope this makes us even.
But what I've given you can't be repaid with one favor.
So I deny your request, and you're going to stay on as my ears.
You'll report back to me everything you hear when I'm not around.
- How've you been, Michael? - Better than some, apparently.
You know, it's interesting how you don't seem rattled at all by our current accommodations.
Is it because maybe you're not planning on being here much longer? Like I told you before, this is the end of the line - for both of us.
- How about this? Stop me when I'm wrong.
The Company wanted you here in Panama alive, but framed for murder, and then for some reason, you seemed to really care about Whistler and I can tell you he's really curious about you, too.
What special talents do you have that the Company might decide that you're worth more to them alive than dead? What do you say? Am I getting warm yet? I think you better pop another pill, 'cause that's crazy.
So you don't mind if I kill him? Whistler? The question is, "What would the Company mind?" The question is, "What would they do to you?" To the ones you love? Be careful, Alex.
Busy day? Not as busy as I'd hoped.
Look, you had to try.
I probably would've done the same thing myself if I were you.
But let's be perfectly clear.
You're never going to try anything like that again.
I understand.
Yeah, but just to make sure that you do, I left you a little something in the garage.
It's by the trash.



「プリズン・ブレイク シーズン3  3.Call Waiting」







投票数:12 平均点:10.00
英語字幕 プリズン・ブレイク シーズン3 (Prison Break Season3) 2.Fire/Water
プリズン・ブレイク シーズン3 (Prison Break Season3) 英語字幕で英会話を勉強しよう!
英語字幕 プリズン・ブレイク シーズン3 (Prison Break Season3) 4.Good Fences

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