穴埋めエクササイズ 問085 (2016/11/07更新)




How come [          ] not here yet? He was supposed to be here half an hour ago.

(1) is the repairperson
(2) the repairperson
(3) the repairperson is


(3) the repairperson is




(3) the repairperson is

how comeはwhy同様、「なぜ…」という意味を表す表現ですが、後に続く語順には注意が必要です。whyが後ろに疑問文の形をとるのに対し、how comeは<主語+動詞>の形をとります。
How come the repairperson is not here yet? He was supposed to be here half an hour ago.
(1) is the repairperson(how comeは後ろに<動詞+主語>の語順をとらない)
(2) the repairperson(動詞がないので×)