穴埋めエクササイズ 問047 (2016/02/01更新)




Heidi [          ] wonder what her boss's real intention was when he told her to take some time off.

(1) couldn't have
(2) couldn't help
(3) couldn't help but


(3) couldn't help but




(3) couldn't help but

<cannot help but+動詞の原形>で「…せずにはいられない」という意味なので、(3)が正解となります。

Heidi couldn't help but wonder what her boss's real intention was when he told her to take some time off. 
(1) couldn't have(後ろに動詞の原形をとることができないので×)
(2) couldn't help(後ろに動詞の原形をとることができないので×)